পিপল হোম কেয়ার লিমিটেড একটি সেবা মূলক প্রতিষ্ঠান। আমরা বাসাবাড়িতে নার্সিং সার্ভিস, হোম কেয়ার সার্ভিস, ফিজিওথেরাপি সার্ভিস, ইলডারলি কেয়ার সার্ভিস সহ যেকোন স্ব্যাথ্য সেবা দিয়ে থাকি এবং সকল ধরনের মেডিকেল সরঞ্জাম ভাড়া দেয়া কিংবা বিক্রয় করে থাকি। যেকোন প্রযোজনে এখনই কল করুন: 01712544008

Best Care Nursing Agency

Best Care Nursing Agency
Best Care Nursing Agency


We are the Best Care Nursing Agency in Bangladesh. We provide in-house trained nurses 12 hours or 24 hours. meet with the patient before giving the nurse any home. Let’s review what type of nurse the patient needs. provide trained or certified nurses at home according to the needs of the patient. If someone wants to hire a home care nurse at home to serve their parents. In that case, we have to make an agreement with the company. provides nursing home assistance in Dhaka city. Contact us to get all types of nursing home Support in Bangladesh.

Nursing home care

Nursing home care is the care of a patient by a nurse at home.  Home Care involves receiving any service from a nurse at home. Currently, all types of nursing home Support in Bangladesh are available at home. This is why home services are gaining so much popularity.

What is the job of a home care nurse?

A home care nurse will do all kinds of work-related to patient care. Such as checking the patient’s blood pressure, checking the sugar, helping to eat food, helping to walk. Help to bathe. Pulse tests, pushing insulin when sugar is high, helping with urination, Keeping the patient’s bed clean and tidy, reading the newspaper to the patient and treating the patient nicely, etc.

Where can I find a home care nurse?

There is no need to worry about finding good quality home care nurses nowadays due to the huge demand for home care nurses worldwide. At present we have home care nurses all over Bangladesh. Due to the demand for home care nurses, many governments and private nursing companies have sprung up in our country. Private nursing companies in our country provide their nurses online at home. Contact us to get All kinds of nursing home Support in Bangladesh.

What is a Nursing Home Care Facility?

Nursing homes, or nursing home care facilities, provide round-the-clock nursing care and significant assistance with the activities of daily life. Best Care Nursing Agency has nursing staff on duty 24 hours a day to help individuals meet their daily physical, social and psychological needs. A licensed physician supervises each resident’s care and therapy including speech, occupational, and physical therapy are available to provide rehabilitation services.

Best home care BDBest home care BD

Home Care Nursing Home Care and Rehabilitation communities present an atmosphere that is calm and comfortable. We are a trusted partner because we listen to your needs, understand the life you want for yourself or you’re loved ones.

As residents’ conditions progress and they move through different care levels, our staff works with their families and their physicians to transition them to the most appropriate senior care setting. Each resident’s short- or long-term care is customized for their individual needs and preferences and delivered around the clock by trained nursing professionals.

Nurse supply in Dhaka

Nursing home care frequently begins with an on-site assessment at the hospital and continues through an initial conference and discharge planning. Our licensed professionals are available to answer questions and address the concerns that you and your family may have. Senior care centers provide a wide range of services, plus we offer assisted living, retirement living, and skilled nursing homes for every level of need.

Our long-term care facilities support positive efforts to provide and improve nursing quality at all levels within the healthcare delivery system. Select skilled nursing centers participate in Medicare.

When skilled nursing care is needed:

  • Rehabilitation care due to fractures or joint replacements
  • General wound care
  • Acute medical conditions
  • Interim medical care following a hospital stay
  • Respiratory care
  • Parkinson’s care
  • Terminal illness care (in cooperation with hospice)
  • Stroke recovery
  • General rehabilitation due to weakness or physical decline
  • Diabetic rehabilitation

Within our long-term care facilities and other senior living venues, our skilled nursing care facilities offer a variety of conveniences and amenities designed to enhance comfort and improve convalescence and recovery, such as open visiting hours and barber/beauty salon services. From special therapeutic diets to comprehensive rehabilitation, your care, comfort, and convenience are of paramount importance to us. We help residents recover with dignity while receiving compassionate care, personal attention, and professional services.

Nursing Home Care Agency

In-Home Care Nursing Services is a much-needed service for patients who need assistance in day-to-day essential chores. Patient home care BD is one of the best home nursing service providers in Dhaka. We strive to deliver efficient home care services for the welfare of the patients in Bangladesh.

We provide the Best Care Nursing Agency Services In Dhaka BD. Our nurses are very skilled. They have been trained before hiring. They always try to provide their best. Nurses are 24/7 ready for a given service of clients. Our service 24/7 Opened. Our goal is to achieve customer satisfaction with maximum service. For that, the Patient home care BD company is the most popular in Bangladesh.

Who Needs Nursing Service At Home?

Home Care Nursing is one of the fastest-growing sectors in Bangladesh. Home health care is the most convenient way to take care of patients. Depending on the patients’ conditions, certified nurses are to format a care plan. It can be either preventive or therapeutic. Or it can be rehabilitative.

Their responsibilities include assisting in personal hygiene, wound dressing, managing medications, emotional support, and other health support.
Home nursing service is so integrated with daily tasks that it is almost limitless. It is professional support at your convenience. more personalized because the nurse can focus on the patient entirely. It is safer and more reliable.

The following is the list of why in-house nursing service is better.

  • Home care nurses are certified and licensed. They are qualified for fulfilling nursing care roles. They are perfectly capable of medical monitoring and supervision.
  • Home health care offers personalized long-term health care. Hospitals may be great, but hospitals are for all. On the contrary, home nursing gives you a flexible and customized schedule and services.
  • Unlike non-skilled services, home nursing allows you to continue the treatment as it is. The nurse has to administer medications, injections, physical therapy, and whatever is needed.
  • Staying at home allows patient independence and comfort. The familiar surroundings are beneficial for faster recovery.
  • All of us know that hospitals are fussy about visitors. It is a convenient option for friends and family to visit the patient regularly. Seeing familiar people leads to a greater chance of faster healing.
  • Most importantly, they are so much cheaper than hospital charges. It is no secret that good hospitals charge a lot in exchange for great medical care. Whereas In-home health care, you are just paying the nurse.

List of Home Care Nursing Services Home Care Nursing Services

General home nursing is a flexible schedule. You can choose daily services or alternative days or whatever suits your needs.
For serious illness, one needs full-time attention. We recommend a live-in Best Care Nursing Agency in that case.

Let us go through some of the services offered by us briefly

Personal Care and Assistance

Bathing, restroom activities, incontinence care, grooming, personal hygiene, dressing, walking, etc.

Vaccinations and preventive services

Everybody already knows the importance of vaccinations. They are available in hospitals. However, going to hospitals is not always possible for elderly people and others for a variety of reasons. We are here to help you get preventive measures right at home.

Diet Planning

Nutritious & delicious meals, diet planning (with dietary restrictions), feeding, etc.

Professional Medication

Reminders, supervision, pillbox, organization, daily log, etc.

Infusion therapy

Patient home care attends to several home infusion therapy, including Anti-emetics, General hydration, Cardiac therapies.

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Caregiver Support BD

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Wound care

Our nurses undergo extensive training programs to meet the fast-growing demand for wound care home service. They are trained in a way that the patient experiences faster healing and comfort. A nurse has to be careful not to generate any infection.

Critical and acute care

Our organization will provide you with the latest technology and trained nurse as a substitute for an intensive care unit in hospitals. Hospitals in the long term is an expensive process. Acute care at home will significantly cut down the overall cost.

Rehabilitation treatments

Our home care services for rehabilitation are widely available in Dhaka. Our goal is to deliver fast recovery and healing.

Chemotherapy and cancer treatments

Cancer patients need attentive care along with advanced medical treatment. Patient care home services ensure home care with technology and attentive care. We will set up a formulated plan to provide regular treatments at home.

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Delivering Professional Care & Supervision with In-Patient home care BD

Because of their professional abilities and training, our nurses could make healthcare referrals or hints to keep or enhance the nicely-being of our customers. This could include appointments with bodily or occupational therapists, installation of ramps, or use of durable scientific gadgets or oxygen supplementation. Nurses can also be capable of re-order and picking up medicines, setting up a remedy routine, and music adherence to the endorsed agenda.

Why You Should Choose our Home Care Nursing Services

We believe in expertise in handling the changing needs of our patients. For this reason, we employ nurses who are appropriate for delivering support. They undergo many training to be responsive to the needs of the patient.
As to avoid any unwanted incident, we have a thorough background check. We have managed to become a reputed home care service provider in Bangladesh because of our friendliness and obligation. We assure you to take care of your loved ones as per your expectations.

নার্সিং হোম কেয়ার এর উদ্দেশ্য:

নার্সিং হোম কেয়ার দিচ্ছে আপনার বাসায় অসুস্থ মানুষের সেবা  করার সকল প্রকার সুবিধা।হোম কেয়ার হলো বাসায় যত্ন নেওয়া ও মানুষকে সর্বদা সুস্থ রাখা। এছার বাসায় অসুস্থ মানুষের সেবা  ও বৃদ্ধ মা-বাবার দেখা শুনা করার ব্যবস্থা। নার্সিং হোম কেয়ার,সেবা প্রদান কারি একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান,সেবাই আমাদের পরম ধর্ম।

আমাদের মধ্যে কেউই অসুস্থ হতে চায় না। কারণ অসুস্থতা মানেই ঝামেলা এবং খরচের ব্যাপার। অসুস্থ হলে যে শুধু খারাপ লাগে তা-ই নয়, এর ফলে একজন ব্যক্তি কাজে,অফিসে,বাজারে, স্কুলে যেতে পারেন না।

অর্থ উপার্জন করতে পারেন না অথবা নিজ পরিবারের দেখাশোনাও করতে পারেন না।

উপরন্তু সেই ব্যক্তির দেখাশোনা করার জন্য আরেকজন লোকের প্রয়োজন হয়।তাকে দেখা শুনা করা আমাদের প্রধান কাজ। বিপদ আসার আগেই সাবধান হওয়া ভালো। এটা ঠিক যে, কিছু কিছু রোগ এড়ানো যায় না।

তবে, সহজেই অসুস্থ না হওয়ার অথবা অসুস্থতা রোধ করার জন্য আপনি অনেক কিছু করতে পারেন। অসুস্থ মানুষের ২৪ ঘন্টা দেখা শুনা করার ব্যাবস্থা ।


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