Elderly care in Bangladesh
The elderly are most at risk at this time. So they need special care. At this time, I did not know anything about the protection of elderly people. Elderly Special Care People Home Care Limited is at your service everywhere.
Keep it at home
Elderly people have lower immune systems. Therefore, it is better not to let them go out now. Family needs such as shopping or buying medicine – these responsibilities will be taken care of by other members of the family. Elderly people should not be allowed to go to these jobs.
Cleanliness is important
There is no substitute for cleanliness to avoid corona infection. It is necessary to wash hands frequently with soapy water and keep clothes and the house clean. Do not come near the elderly person from outside. Wash your hands and change your clothes, shower if you can, and then go.
Give light meals
Care should be taken that the elderly person should be healthy in all aspects. Do not suffer from stomach problems. For this, you have to cook with less oil and spices. It is better to avoid frying. Wash vegetables and fruits well. Boil meat and eggs well.
Talk to them
We don’t like home quarantine. Elderly people feel more helpless at this time. Hence all the family members should take care of the elderly. Talk to them. Laughter can do everything.
Always encourage
Everyone has different preferences. Many people love to read books. There are some who love to spend time with their grandchildren. Some may be interested in housework. For example, taking care of plants, making pills, making delicious food, and making pickles can have many kinds of hobbies.
The other members of the family surely understand what the elderly person in the house enjoys. So encourage him in those activities this time. Then at least he can spend some time happily.
You can go to the roof
If you feel bored at home, you can go to the roof in the autumn afternoon with the elderly and children. Time will be better if you have a roof garden. Wash your hands with soapy water after returning home. However, contact with other people on the roof should be avoided. If there are people on the top, it is better not to go.
In this situation, the physical and mental safety of the elderly should be looked at very seriously. Appropriate precautions should be followed when an elderly person is taken to the doctor as part of a regular checkup.
Elderly care in winter
When you were a child, your parents, grandparents, or great-grandparents always thought of taking care of you in winters and monsoons. Now is the time to take care of them. Because, after a period of time, the physical and mental strength of people decreases. So they need special care.
One of the reasons why the elderly suffer the most in winter is respiratory problems or inflammation of the airways. Pneumonia or asthma can be caused by the flu that spreads in winter. Complications of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and any joint pain may increase. It should be kept away from the cold of winter as much as possible. Always make sure they wear modest winter clothing. Especially the chest, ears, and legs should be covered with winter clothes. Apart from this, clothes or mufflers should be wrapped around the neck and ears while sleeping, day or night.
Elderly care services in Bangladesh
Bangladesh does not have as great retirement homes as other developed countries. However, family home care bd certainly has excellent elderly care Elderly Special Care People Home Care Limited is at your service everywhere.
If for some reason you have to take the elderly members of your family outside, make sure to pack enough winter clothes. If it’s not too much of a problem, encourage some light exercise such as walking around the house and moving your arms and legs instead of just lying around on winter days. This will generate heat in the body.
Winter clothing for seniors should be comfortable. Instead of wearing thick clothes choose some thin comfortable clothes in this case. It will take less cold. Because layers of clothes will prevent the heat from escaping from the body due to the accumulation of air.
Patient care home service bd
We work with leading hospitals, experienced doctors, nurses, diagnostic centers, and others to improve health outcomes for patients as well as profitability for Nurse Service at Home – Our home service is ideal for patients who need long-term health care for complex medical problems and daily needs.
In winter, use necessary medicines with various creams to protect the skin, lips, hands, feet, and nails from various health risks.
Give adults more winter vegetables. Because carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, and cabbage, in the daily diet, will fill the vitamin and mineral deficiency and help to stay healthy in winter. Drink hot water along with hot food.
Let hot water bath, ablution, and other work. Blood circulation will be normal. In this, the elderly person in the house will get comfort.
Keep seniors active in winter. Ask elderly people to do light exercise indoors on winter days instead of just lying around. Ask him to move his arms and legs, including walking around the room. It will generate heat in the body, it will take less cold.
Provide adequate lighting in the elderly person’s room. Keep the house as warm as possible. It will take less cold, and feel comfortable.