Why do newborns need special care? 
A newborn baby care is a baby that is 28 days old from birth. There is a big difference between the nature of the womb and the nature of the earth. The main challenge for a newborn is to adapt to the nature of the earth. When a newborn is born, all the parts of his body like stomach, kidneys, brain etc. are not full. Over time, the newborn’s body matures. Her skin is also very sensitive, she has to struggle a lot to adapt to the light-air contact of the earth. For these reasons, the newborn needs special care.
The first hour of a baby’s birth is very important. This period is call Golden One Hour Care. The newborn worthy cleaned and wrapped in a towel or kantha at birth. During this time the baby needs to be breastfed. This shawl-milk also acts as a natural vaccine for the baby. This milk helps the baby’s body to develop immunity. In addition, it is very important to bring the baby in contact with the mother’s body. The baby feels safe to touch the mother’s body. In case of normal delivery, the mother can take her baby in her arms shortly after giving birth. However, during the caesarean delivery, the mother stayed in the post-operative room at that time. Even then, it is important for the nurse or a close relative of the newborn to keep the baby in touch with the mother for some time.
The newborn needs to be care for according to the seasons of the birth period. Measures worthy taken according to the season in which the newborn will be born. Separate care should be taken for hot, cold or rainy season. One thing in particular is for every parent and relative of the newborn to remember that each newborn is different. Effective care for the newborn should be done as per the advice of the doctor.
Winter care for newborns
1) In winter, the mother of the newborn and anyone else who will take care of the baby should wash their hands frequently. This will reduce the risk of disease and germs to the baby.
2) When taking care of newborn in winter, care should taken so that cold air does not come in the house. Make arrangements to keep the house warm. However, keeping the doors and windows open during the day, adequate lighting and ventilation should be provided.
3) The newborn should wear warm but comfortable clothes. No heavy blankets or blankets should be given to the newborn. Newborns should wear socks on their hands and feet to reduce the incidence of cold.
4) Newborn baby should be massaged. This increases the blood circulation in his body. The baby should be massaged with good baby oil.
5) From 3 days after birth, the baby should bathed or wiped daily. It is better to take bath one day in winter. Care worthy be taken during bathing that the head should be wiped off very quickly after wetting the head. Kusum hot water worthy used during bathing.
6) Newborn baby’s skin is very sensitive, so their skin should always be smooth. For this you need to use good quality baby lotion or cream. Before using any baby product, its quality should checked. At the same time you have to look at the expiration date.
7) Babies born in winter worthy taken care of so that the child does not get cold-fever. A newborn’s cold can lead to a very bad situation. The common cold can lead to pneumonia in children, which can be very harmful to the newborn.
8) The baby should always continue breastfeeding. If for some reason the child becomes ill. However, breastfeeding cannot be stopp.
9) It is necessary to keep an eye on the newborn so that he does not stay in the toilet for a long time. If possible, diapers worthy worn.
10) Beware of diaper rash. Some parts of the day worthy kept without diapers. However, if the diaper rash becomes isolate , then the rash removal cream should be applie .
11) Be very careful not to use oil or water until the navel of the newborn. Follow the doctor’s advice.
12) The child should be vaccinat according to the time.
Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation
1) One of the misconceptions about taking care of a newborn in winter is to keep the baby completely open or wrapped in a lot of clothes thinking that it will feel hot.
2) In the case of a newborn baby, it should be avoid to come in contact with the baby’s mouth.
3) One should be very careful not to enter the newborn’s house without washing one’s hands and face.
A small soul brings immense joy in the life of all of us. To maintain that joy forever, we need to ensure a healthy and beautiful environment for our parents, relatives and newborns. As well as giving full care for the newborn baby. Only then will a newborn baby grow up safely. Then take care of the newborn in winter, now feel free!